
If you find yourself in Sulmono, a town in the L’Aquila province within the Abruzzo region, ‘senza macchina’ – without a car – it is worth the effort to catch the local bus to picturesque Scanno. And if you go on a school day when the teenagers from Scanno are travelling home from Sulmona, expect a little adventure.

On the day we went, a normal city bus departed Sulmona and climbed up through a forested, hilly area, with ever narrowing roads. Eventually we reached a small tunnel and I thought, “no way this bus will get through that”. The driver stopped and all of the teenagers piled out of the bus. My sister and I looked at one another. In my broken Italian I asked if we had to get out. A girl responded yes and indicated we should follow her.

So, off we got and followed the others into a side track where there was a minibus parked. The group of 40 people crammed into the 22 seater. Some older women (not my sister and I) told the teenagers to get up and give their seats to ‘l’anziane’ – the elderly. We sat. After a 20 point turn, the driver maneuvered out of the side track, on to the road and through the tunnel. When we reached the other end of the tunnel we all piled out and into another full size bus waiting at the side of the road to make the rest of the journey to Scanno! I was a little curious as to why we didn’t stay in the little bus but one does not question the wily ways of Italian public transport, especially in a remote place!

We managed to have a little bit of sunshine while we walked around the old town but the afternoon came over all rainy. Not before we got a few pictures of the old town, il centro storico.





Scanno is known for its women dressed in traditional costume but on this rainy, mid-week, off-season day, we only saw a few stray dogs and some teenagers in the old town. I expect the women had watched the weather forecast…

10 thoughts on “Day Trip from Sulmona to Scanno

  1. The weather this year has been horrible! Please let us have a run of fine days.
    I didn’t make it to the blog event, there was too much going on here at the new house.
    Let me know if you come Lucca way


    1. Debra it has fined up here on the Abruzzo coast and I swam in the Adriatic today. Still planning to visit Lucca about the 19th or 20th for a few days. Not particularly strapped for time so flexible. My Italian phone number is 366 152 8456. Ciao for now.


  2. L’ha ribloggato su abruzzo LENTOe ha commentato:
    Mary Louise è una blogger australiana. Ha origini abruzzesi ed ha approfittato di #let’sblogabruzzo per incontrare sua sorella, che vive negli States. Questo è il racconto del loro viaggio da Sulmona a Scanno in bus… In un giorno di ordinario pendolarismo.


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